Hi there.
I've been doing this SQLEXPRESS stuff peacefully for many months now and just yesterday I saved some tables in it. This morning my computer acts just weird. We have thunderstorm in the area and the sky is dark-maybe it is the reason but I do have a UPS that is supposed to smooth things out.
Anyhow, when I tried to connect I got rejected. The connection is local, on the same computer, same had disk. I haven't done anything to change the parameters. I have been saving the whole Server comprehensively but neglected to do it for the past 3-4 days perhaps.
What can I do? I do not even know how I can restore the databases if I cannot get in?
Shared Memory Provider, error 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server, Error 2).
I had experienced a problem and here is my story. Our network admin in Sweden changed the network settings. Basically it shouldn't affect our daily process, however the SQL server doesn't work. At that time, I also uses the local connection and very standard settings but just cannot connect to SQL server. Then I reinstalled SQL server Express and attach my database files and it worked. No data was lost luckily. I guess when the thunderstorm came, you network have been changed (for example: reset). Please try to reinstall and attach database, hope it helps.
|||Thank you L,
Actually the problem resolved itself a few minutes after I did posting. I could not delete the post on time and this is why. It turns out when I turned my computer on this morning MS started downloading 9 updates into my XP. I was not aware of it and was angry that my applications could not really start. CPU was 100% busy.
After the SQL Server fiasco I decided to turn the computer off and that was when it began installing them all. It took almost an hour and my computer is very fast. After it finished I restarted it and SQL Server responded immediately.
Apparently when the updates were put in but not installed yet it created a conflict. I was really scared.
- Alex
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