Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cannot Connect to Server

I am trying to come to grips with SQL Server 2000 Desktop
Engine. My latest problem is that I can't get anything
to connect to the server, including the Northwind
Project. When I try to open an existing project, the
project opens, but it says it is disconnected, and there
are only forms to be seen. If I try to use the upsizing
wizard, when you click next on the window where you
identify the SQL Server, I get an error window that
says "[DBNETLIBRARY][ConnectionOpen (Connect().] SQL
Server does not exist or access denied." When I
click "OK" on this dialogue box, I get another error that
says"The upsizing wizard only works with Microsoft SQL
Server (Versions 6.50 SP5 or higher). Please log in to a
SQL Server data source." If I try to open a new project,
I get the same error message. The version of SQL I have
installed is 8.00.760. It seemed to go awry after I
unistalled and reinstalled the Desktop Engine. I
installed from the downloaded sql2kdesksp3.exe I did
notice it won't let me install it without setting a
strong password, where it did not need one before. I am
setting the password in the setup.ini pad.
I just ran into this the other day. The installer for MSDE with SP3 does not
enable the network libraries by default. You have to specify
DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0 in the setup command line to make them install.
Otherwise you can only access the DB engine from the machine its installed
There's also an issue described here that has to do with upgrades.;en-us;827204
Tom Spitzer
EC Wise
"Mike C" <> wrote in message
> I am trying to come to grips with SQL Server 2000 Desktop
> Engine. My latest problem is that I can't get anything
> to connect to the server, including the Northwind
> Project. When I try to open an existing project, the
> project opens, but it says it is disconnected, and there
> are only forms to be seen. If I try to use the upsizing
> wizard, when you click next on the window where you
> identify the SQL Server, I get an error window that
> says "[DBNETLIBRARY][ConnectionOpen (Connect().] SQL
> Server does not exist or access denied." When I
> click "OK" on this dialogue box, I get another error that
> says"The upsizing wizard only works with Microsoft SQL
> Server (Versions 6.50 SP5 or higher). Please log in to a
> SQL Server data source." If I try to open a new project,
> I get the same error message. The version of SQL I have
> installed is 8.00.760. It seemed to go awry after I
> unistalled and reinstalled the Desktop Engine. I
> installed from the downloaded sql2kdesksp3.exe I did
> notice it won't let me install it without setting a
> strong password, where it did not need one before. I am
> setting the password in the setup.ini pad.
> Thoughts?
|||I guess I should have specified that I am working from my
own computer, I am not working on a network. I tried the
DIABLE NETWORKPROTOCOLS=0, no help I'm afraid. I'm not
at all sure that the Microsoft Article is relevant. If
it helps any, I installed the first time from the Office
XP CD, and after that using the file from the website,
not the upgrade. I don't think that this is the problem,
as it worked the first time I installed from the website
file. It only started noy working when I uninstalled and
reinstalled the website file.
>--Original Message--
>I just ran into this the other day. The installer for
MSDE with SP3 does not
>enable the network libraries by default. You have to
>DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0 in the setup command line to
make them install.
>Otherwise you can only access the DB engine from the
machine its installed
>There's also an issue described here that has to do with
>Tom Spitzer
>EC Wise
>"Mike C" <> wrote in
to a[vbcol=seagreen]
|||Mike did you make sure that the SQL Server service is running on your desktop before trying to attach the database. I see similar error on my machine whenever this service is shutdown and I try to do any db related work on MSDE..
|||I had your error earlier.
I had to run setup.exe from a command prompt with necessary switches to get MSDE to work. (That's actually in the documentation) I passed it the SAPWD="strongpassword" parameter and anINSTANCE parameter, though I'm not sure the INSTANCE was necessary. I
'm now able to connectand add datastores using webmatrix. However, I'm still struggling to connect through another process, building a connection string through Dreamweaver. I'm getting a
userid "not associated with trusted SQL Server connection" error.
|||Yes it is running, and the identified "Server" is
correct, "Mike-Home" which is my computers name.
>--Original Message--
>Mike did you make sure that the SQL Server service is
running on your desktop before trying to attach the
database. I see similar error on my machine whenever
this service is shutdown and I try to do any db related
work on MSDE..
|||What is Webmatrix?
>--Original Message--
>I had your error earlier.
>I had to run setup.exe from a command prompt with
necessary switches to get MSDE to work. (That's actually
in the documentation) I passed it the
SAPWD="strongpassword" parameter and anINSTANCE
parameter, though I'm not sure the INSTANCE was
necessary. I'm now able to connectand add datastores
using webmatrix. However, I'm still struggling to
connect through another process, building a connection
string through Dreamweaver. I'm getting a
>userid "not associated with trusted SQL Server
connection" error.
|||WebMatrix -
<msadvertising>ASP.NET Web Matrix is a community-supported, easy-to-use WYSIWYG application development tool for ASP.NET. It can be installed via a quick 1.3 MB download (about 5 minutes using a 56Kb modem). New features include: Access database support,
J# support, design time enhancements including improved table editing and user-control rendering, many bug fixes, and much more!</msadvertising>
Its why I ended up installing MSDE.
|||Hi Folks,
That error occurs if you don't have mixed mode security enabled and you are
trying to connect via a SQL Server username/password. When installing the
MSDE, there is an option for this SECURITYMODE=SQL.
After installation, you could modify the LoginMode parameter in the registry
entries for the MSDE service to 0 or 2. (same effect). Then restart the
Greg Low (MVP)
MSDE Manager SQL Tools
"esizert" <> wrote in message
> I had your error earlier.
> I had to run setup.exe from a command prompt with necessary switches to
get MSDE to work. (That's actually in the documentation) I passed it the
SAPWD="strongpassword" parameter and anINSTANCE parameter, though I'm not
sure the INSTANCE was necessary. I'm now able to connectand add datastores
using webmatrix. However, I'm still struggling to connect through another
process, building a connection string through Dreamweaver. I'm getting a
> userid "not associated with trusted SQL Server connection" error.
|||Gi Greg
It sounds like you are fairly confident that you have the
answer to the problem here, and that's great. The only
problem is a statement such as change the parameters in
the registry doesn't help me. I need to be told, go to
here, click this, click that, enter this etc.
So, I would ask that you write out the exact statement I
would put in the setup.ini file, or the exact steps to
take to change the registry.
What is the best thing to do? Uninstall and reinstall
with the setup.ini file modified? What happened that it
started behaving differently when I reistalled? What
should I avoid doing in the future to keep this sort of
annoyance from happening. Fixing the existing problem is
good, learning to avoid it is better.
Many thanks.
>--Original Message--
>Hi Folks,
>That error occurs if you don't have mixed mode security
enabled and you are
>trying to connect via a SQL Server username/password.
When installing the
>MSDE, there is an option for this SECURITYMODE=SQL.
>After installation, you could modify the LoginMode
parameter in the registry
>entries for the MSDE service to 0 or 2. (same effect).
Then restart the
>Greg Low (MVP)
>MSDE Manager SQL Tools
>"esizert" <> wrote in message
necessary switches to
>get MSDE to work. (That's actually in the
documentation) I passed it the
>SAPWD="strongpassword" parameter and anINSTANCE
parameter, though I'm not
>sure the INSTANCE was necessary. I'm now able to
connectand add datastores
>using webmatrix. However, I'm still struggling to
connect through another
>process, building a connection string through
Dreamweaver. I'm getting a[vbcol=seagreen]
connection" error.

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